Appendix H: Evaluation form questions for Project Leaders on overall iterative RE-AIM process


Iterative RE-AIM Exercise Follow-up Structured Interview Guide–    6/26/2020 revision

(In person, phone or zoom interview to be conducted with one key informant from each project from 2-4 weeks – as close to 3 weeks as possible- after team sets goals/develops action plan).

Send interviewee a copy of their action plan 2 days before interview and remind them we will ask questions about it and the overall goal identification and setting process


1.How useful was the review and goal setting/action planning process for setting a SMART goal and guiding adaptations to your intervention or implementation strategies?

 (1-5 rating: 1= not at all; 3- moderately 5=extremely).  __

Have separate rating form or not?- we will want to use these data

Probe- what was most and least useful? What could have made it more useful?






2. Now let’s briefly discuss the SMART goals and action plans your team set. To what extent have you implemented your action plan to date? (1-5 rating: 1= not at all 3=somewhat 5=completely).  __    and  ___ Rate separately if more than one action plan

Probe- How did this go?





3.How successful was your action plan(s) in improving your ‘XXX’  and YYY(Iist each RE-AIM dimension(s) the team selected)? Rate 1-5 for each: 1= not at all 3=somewhat 5=completely)  __  and  __

Probe- What worked and what did not? (probe differences across dimensions if more than 1)





4.Did you notice any other effects of either these change efforts and this mid-course evaluation process- either positive or negative (e.g. changes in any other RE-AIM dimensions)?  Y/N/ a little

Describe and probe any responses

Probe- how much this process disrupted the general flow of their project and time of taking over a full project meeting




5.What recommendations do you have for how we could make this process more helpful or efficient for projects and teams like yours?

Probe any responses-


How would you feel about repeating this process about every 3 months?