Welcome to RE-AIM.ORG!
Goals of the RE-AIM.org website
The mission of our RE-AIM working group is to “implement a robust and evolving framework to advance science, enhance practice, and influence policy through collaboration and training.” To this end, we want this website and its information to be rich, robust, and relevant. Please consider this website a “portal” with many resources, from basic information (definitions and examples) to deep application (such as qualitative interview guides for data collection).
It can admittedly be complicated to understand how to use RE-AIM and related frameworks that include key, multi-level contextual factors related to implementation success – including the multiple RE-AIM outcomes. One key point this website illustrates is how to apply RE-AIM and PRISM across all aspects of a project – from planning, to implementation, to evaluation, as well as planning for sustainability.
We tried to make this information relevant to all our stakeholders, including, but not limited to students, teachers, practitioners, researchers, and clinicians. We know that many of us fit into more than one of those categories.
The website is set up with 5 main sections: (1) Learn, (2) Apply, (3) What’s New, (4) Papers, Talks, Blogs, and (5) Resources and Tools.
Major categories within each section are also described in the infographic above, but here are a few more tips.
If you are new to RE-AIM or to the site, we recommend starting with the Learn section. In this section you can also find new PowerPoint slide sets on PRISM and RE-AIM that we encourage you to use.
If you are familiar with RE-AIM but want to consider how to apply it to a specific project, we recommend starting with the Apply section.
In terms of resources, check out the video overview of our offerings in the Resources section, that highlights specific, frequently requested tools, including grant-writing resources and an interactive tool for mapping out the RE-AIM dimensions of a new project.
For a tour of the website’s offerings, check out our 2-minute video by Dr. Russ Glasgow on this page. For additional guidance on resources, you may want to watch the 2-minute video by Dr. Samantha Harden on the Resources page. We also recommend checking the FAQ section within Learn, where we provide links to frequently requested tools for different needs. If you want to know more about us or send us a request, you may want to check out the FAQs in the ‘Learn’ section of the website, or you can scroll to the bottom of the page for weblinks on the team and ways to contact us.
Other Resources:
- Printable PDF of this guidance
- Relevant reading: Haden SM, Strayer T, Glasgow RE. National Working Group on the RE-AIM Planning and Evaluation Framework: Goals, Resources, and Future Directions. Front Public Health. 2019; 7: 390. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00390