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https://youtu.be/JcIsIL992_I In this video Drs. Trinkley and Harden discuss the iPRISM tool, its development, features, and future. Link to tool: www.prismtool.org Link to paper: https://implementationsciencecomms.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s43058-023-00494-4

REAIM+PRISM Common Misconceptions

Drs. Russ Glasgow and Samantha Harden have a casual chat about some of the misconceptions related to RE-AIM dimensions and PRISM domains, provide a number of papers and resources to …

RE-AIM Webinar May 2023

In this talk, PIs Lucy Spalluto, MD MPH and Jennifer A. Lewis, MD, MS, MPH share the application of multiple frameworks (CFIR, FRAME, RE-AIM) in delivering, determining mid-course changes, and …