Recommended RE-AIM and PRISM Slides for Presentation

We know conferences and presentations are always happening, being made, and RE-AIM is all around you! For this month, we are continuing to expand our new RE-AIM resources in anticipation of different logistical needs for RE-AIM presenting, there is both a 38-slide presentation summarizing key points about RE-AIM located below for you to use! 

We encourage use of these publicly available slide sets in your presentations to convey the latest and most accurate figures and tables for information on RE-AIM. The links to download these slide sets can be found directly .

Recommended slides for presentation on RE-AIM in the context of pragmatic D&I research 
Recommended slides for presentation using RE-AIM and PRISM to Advance Implementation Science
We have also included a second video to illustrate RE-AIM in combination with PRISM along with a general overview or the revolution of RE-AIM! In addition we have brief slides to explain these 5 issues and FAQs about RE-AIM and PRISM: Explanation of Brief Slide Deck Available for Explaining 5 Re-AIM Key Issues.

RE-AIM Misconceptions

Below, Dr. Jodi Holtrop takes us through the popular misconceptions of RE-AIM. Please click the video below to watch. Click here to use the RE-AIM Common Misconception slide deck!