Meet Our Team
Original Developers:
Russel Glasgow, Shawn Boles, Tom Vogt as first framed in a now-classic article “Evaluating the public health impact of health promotion interventions: the RE-AIM framework” (Am J Public Health. 1999 Sep;89(9):1322-7). Note the evolution of the framework in more recent articles (e.g., Glasgow et al, RE-AIM Planning and Evaluation Framework: Adapting to New Science and Practice With a 20-Year Review (Front Public Health. 2019 Mar 29;7:64. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00064)
Steering Committee for National Working Group on RE-AIM Planning and Evaluation Framework:

Paul A. Estabrooks, PhD, Associate Dean of Community Engagement, Professor of Health & Kinesiology, College of Health, University of Utah. Dr. Estabrooks is a founding member of the RE-AIM workgroup and has applied the framework across his program of research for 20 years. Dr. Estabrooks has applied the framework to design interventions for broad dissemination with a focus on innovative health promotion programs, policies, and practice interventions that can be adopted in communities, schools, workplaces, and healthcare clinics. He has also developed a systems-based approach to integrate research and practice partnerships in the goal of advancing dissemination and implementation science while also having a local impact—based on pragmatic planning and evaluation using the RE-AIM framework.

Bridget Gaglio, PhD, Senior Program Officer at the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). Dr. Gaglio is a behavioral scientist who has a background in working with multiple healthcare settings and conducting health interventions in real-world. Her work is characterized by two main themes: (1) to understand the gaps in the quality of health status and health care that exists among diverse segments of the population and (2) to design interventions that can be implemented and disseminated in a variety of “real world” settings and will benefit their target audiences. In her role at PCORI, she facilitates research initiatives aimed at improving communication and dissemination of evidence-based information among patients and their healthcare providers. She has conducted systematic reviews of the RE-AIM framework, provides consultation on the use of RE-AIM in developing research proposals and evaluation of outcomes, and also has examined different frameworks for conducting pragmatic trials.

Russell Glasgow, PhD, Research Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado Medical Campus and Director of the Dissemination and Implementation Science (D&I) Program at the Adult and Child Consortium for Outcomes Research and Delivery Science. He currently focuses on mentoring, enhancing local and national capacity for implementation science, and study of adaptations, costs, and sustainability of complex interventions and implementation strategies. He co-led the initial conceptualization of the RE-AIM framework and its associated PRISM framework. His current RE-AIM/PRISM interests include transparent reporting of representativeness, iterative use of RE-AIM, and pragmatic assessment of PRISM contextual factors.

Samantha M. Harden, PhD, 500®RYT, Associate Professor of Human Nutrition, Foods, & Exercise, Virginia Tech and Exercise Extension Specialist, Virginia Cooperative Extension. Dr. Harden has applied RE-AIM for planning and evaluating community and clinical interventions since 2008, and has been an active member of the RE-AIM workgroup since 2012. Overall, her work explores intrapersonal, interpersonal, and system-level factors that either speed or impede the rate of translating evidence-based interventions into their intended practice settings (e.g., clinic, community). In addition to the work she leads in promoting physical activity in community settings, she has been a critical team member of a number of grants as consultant or co-investigator to advance the application of RE-AIM to improve public health.

Marcia G. Ory, PhD, MPH, Regents and Distinguished Professor at Texas A&M University School of Public Health-College Station, Texas. Dr. Ory is also Founding Director of the university-wide Center for Population Health and Aging. Her research examines how campus, community, clinical and corporate sectors come together to select, implement, scale and sustain the most effective health promotion/disease prevention interventions across the life-course. She was first engaged in promoting RE-AIM in the early 2000s as a program director at the National Institute on Aging. She has been instrumental in disseminating RE-AIM as a planning and evaluation tool throughout the aging services network, in line with the wide spread dissemination of evidence-based chronic disease management and fall prevention programs across the nation.

Borsika A. Rabin, PhD, MPH, PharmD is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine. She is also the Co-Director of the UC San Diego Dissemination and Implementation Science Center. Her work in advancing RE-AIM includes her work in operationalizing RE-AIM across diverse settings, populations, and topic areas. She also examines the implementation and adaptation of health care interventions within the RE-AIM framework. She also explores the applicability of the contextually-expanded version of the RE-AIM framework, the Pragmatic Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model or PRISM.

Matthew Lee Smith, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor in the Texas A&M University School of Public Health and Co-Director of the Center for Population Health and Aging. Dr. Smith has devoted his career to create synergistic partnerships and initiatives to encourage positive lifestyles and reduce rates of preventable morbidity and mortality. His research and evaluation efforts investigate health risk behaviors across the life-course, with a specific emphasis on older adult health. His research and evaluation foci surround the development, delivery, and sustainability of evidence-based programs and policies. Dr. Smith applies his translational experience to bridge research and practice issues across the healthcare sector, aging services network, and public health system, He has published widely, and helped coordinate several special volumes related to the application of RE-AIM in real world settings.

Thomas E. Strayer III, PhD. Clinical and Translational Research Coordinator for the Center for Quality Aging within the Center for Health Services Research at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Dr. Strayer has a keen interest in the planning and implementation of health promotion and behavioral interventions in both the clinical and community settings. His dissertation work focused on dissemination research and the mechanisms to actively deliver information surrounding evidence-based interventions through a national health promotion delivery system. Dr. Strayer has also worked and contributed in the use of RE-AIM in the planning and evaluation of several health promotion programming across multiple states in community settings. Dr. Strayer has been managing the RE-AIM website, email, and analytics since 2017.
Website Development and Hosting Institutions:
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (support for website development); Kansas State University (inception to 2007); Kaiser Permanente Colorado Institute for Health Research (2008- 2011); Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute (2011- 2013); Virginia Tech (August 2013-2016); University of Nebraska Medical Center (2016-present). With gratitude to Samantha Harden and Thomas Strayer for managing the website.
We thank the many people who have been involved in developing and advancing the RE-AIM model over the years. We refer you to the list of publications that highlight the vast numbers contributing to RE-AIM.