Oct. 3, 2012 – Welcome to RE-AIM.org!
We just updated a number of new articles that you can find under the What’s New and Publications areas of the site.
There are a lot of good things in the papers, but I wanted to highlight one of them in particular for its excellent description of reach. The article by Annice Kim and her colleagues reported on a study of an incentives- based smoking cessation program offered to GE employees. Some of the things that are really great about this article include (1) the clear presentation of the study location, (2) a brief, concise description of the process used to estimate an appropriate denominator of eligible participants, (3) a good distinction between people who responded with interest and those that actually enrolled, and (4) a practical approach for assessing representativeness. One of their most interesting contributions was their use of a focus group to determine how people heard of their program, barriers and facilitators to participation, opinions about the incentive offered, and suggestions for program improvements. They also found what many of us do when trying to recruit folks to the focus group who were eligible for the incentive-based smoking cessation program, but did not participate or those who joined, but left the program—it is VERY difficult to get these folks back.
So, check out Dr. Kim’s article and all the other new ones we posted. Also, don’t forget to let us know when you have a new publication or presentation you’d like to put on RE-AIM.org.
Paul Estabrooks & the RE-AIM Team