Dec. 3, 2012 – Welcome to!
As we round out the end of 2012, we want to acknowledge the wide variety of RE-AIM publications this year. Based on what people have sent us and our fairly systematic monthly searches, there was a record number of 42 publications!
We would like you ( visitors) to vote for the 2012 RE-AIM Manuscript Superlatives. There are three categories: Top Conceptual Article, Top Review Article, and Top Original Research.
Please click on the following PDFs to view all of the eligible abstracts, within each category.
1. Conceptual Articles
2. Review Articles
3. Original Research
To facilitate voting, we created a survey link for you (click here or copy this URL: ( into your browser). Please vote for your top choice within each category.
We will announce the top 2 articles for each superlative in the New Year. Voting will be open from December 24th until January 15th.
Cheers and happy holidays,
Paul Estabrooks and the RE-AIM Team